Murray County Central TEAM organizes “Kindness Week”

Here is some information about Kindness Week at MCC:

-organized by the TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves More) to promote kindness and put an end to bullying

-all students and staff were invited to participate in a “Kindness Chain” by picking up an orange slip that had a random act of kindness written on it.  Once they did the act of kindness, they signed the slip and added it to the chain.  Sample acts of kindness included:  say thank you to a teacher, pick up garbage in the hall, sit with someone new at lunch, give someone a hug, thank your bus driver, compliment someone, etc.

-those who participate in the Kindness Chain received a Kindness Revolution wristband along with a thank you card and a treat.  The card thanked them for their kindness and encouraged them to pass it on.  Information can be found at

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