Jottings by Jerry – July 25

It was a dry week, sort of or almost dry, but better than what had been going on. The water has receded leaving a lot of wet mush. Sandbags are mostly gone. Back to normal, we hope.

The weekends have been project times and any other time I can’t find a workable excuse to put it off. The boss thinks I’m going to die before things get finished. I’m not sure how she knows but I’m assuming she is just playing the odds. If not, I may be in trouble. The work is varied starting with rebuilding block walls, adding paths, extending flower gardens, trimming long neglected hedges, cleaning garages, and the list goes on. The food is good for a forced labor situation. I’m drawing a line at digging large holes.

Summer has progressed and we find ourselves at the end of July. Some area fairs will start next week. August will go fast.

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I had an appointment with my cardiologist yesterday and on his door, it read 8 to 5.

I left immediately!


I have to have better odds than that.

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If you love something, set it free. If it comes back to you, it’s yours. If it doesn’t, it never was.

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Have a good week.

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