Jotting by Jerry – August 23

Where were you when the eclipse passed near? Like most folks around here, I was under heavy rain clouds. The rumbling thunder, heavy clouds and rain passed over most of the day, I thought there was less light during the eclipse or maybe the clouds were thicker at about that time. I should have traveled to Nebraska for the event. I may do that for the next eclipse that passes near us.

The rain was nice, if that’s okay to say at this point in our near saturated existence. The Murray County Fair had a few problems with the weather. They shut down early Friday and sent everyone to the school gymnasium for their safety and Wednesday was a rainy day also. With some cooperation on the weather’s part and some sunny warm days, we will be ready for the next rainy day.

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Tom to his mom: “Mom, please tell me a story?”

Mom: “Sorry, honey, I don’t have any new stories to tell. But you should ask your dad why he was late coming home today. He will then tell you some amazing stories.”

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“All the darkness of the world cannot put out the light of one small candle.” – Anonymous –

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Have a good week!

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