Local Conservationists to be honored at State Soil and Water Conservation District

Ryan and Marla Verlinde will be honored as outstanding conservationists at December 10 luncheon at the annual convention of the Minnesota Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts (MASWCD) in Bloomington, Minnesota

“We’re proud of the Verlindes’ for what they have done in conserving our natural resources in our area,” said Paul Posthuma, supervisor of the Murray  Soil and Water Conservation District, which nominated the Verlindes’ for the award. “It’s great to be able to recognize the work they’ve done locally. They’ve provided a wonderful example for us by practicing soil and water conservation activities throughout their farming operations which include installing alternative intakes and planting trees. They have also switched to no-till farming, cover crops, variable rate fertilizer, and manure application in their fields,” he said.

MASWCD sponsors the Outstanding Conservationist Award, with support from The Farmer magazine, and the award ceremony receives sponsorship from the Minnesota Corn Growers Association.