Fifty-one cross the stage during Murray County Central commencement

By: Sheila Crowley

Murray County News Staffwriter

Fifty students from Murray County Central crossed the stage this past Sunday to receive their high school diplomas. Jack Pierson was named salutatorian while Alyssa Boynton and Cameron Kresko earned co-valedictorians.

Jack Pierson provided the welcome and introduction. Cameron Kresko claimed the MCC’s Class of 2019 has been termed a ‘most challenging class’. Kresko said the only thing that came remotely close to the crazy class of 2019 was Valley Fair – more specifically The Wild Thing. Kresko commented on a time when he and Spencer Wajer decided to try the ride… “We both cried like ‘little girls’”. Kreso explained, much like the Wild Thing, the 2019 MCC senior class began their chaotic ride on the 1st day of kindergarten. “Ironically,” he said, “I believe Spencer Wajer was also crying that day.” The ebbs and tides continue throughout the past 12 years. He made reference to the class’s various protests standing up for what they believed was right. “At the end of our 6th grade we were at an all-time high,” said Kresco. “Then high school hit and we took a 200-foot drop.” During that time there was awkward smiles and tense times. As with the Wild Thing, there were many twists and turns as the class made their way through their high school years.  “And now guys,” he said, “our ride has come to the end.” As much as Kresko had looked forward to graduation, he would like to jump right back in line and do it all over again. “This is life, however,” explained Kresko. “We are made to move onto bigger and better things.” He concluded by saying, “MCC class of 2019 never discard your rebellious attitude because deep down you will always be a Rebel.”

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